Trading Cryptocurrency CFD
Unlike traditional currencies which are issued by a government or central banking authority, and which have physical paper or coins, cryptocurrencies are entirely digital or virtual. Like traditional currencies, cryptocurrency can be exchanged for other currencies, services, or for the value of a physical item. They can be used as payment and exchanged for goods and services.
What cryptocurrencies can you trade?
Please note: Axi does not currently offer crypto asset trading services, including digital wallets. All cryptocurrency trading is done as CFDs through the MT4 trading platform.
With Axi you can trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies. These are traded as cryptocurrency CFDs (Contract for Difference).
Examples of cryptocurrencies available to trade include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash. The complete list of cryptocurrencies available for trading can be found in our Product Schedule.
You can also find a list of the most popular cryptocurrency CFDs to trade, including live pricing, spreads, and calculator tools on our website.
Trading cryptocurrencies with Axi
- A wide range of cryptocurrencies, from popular cryptos to emerging digital currencies
- Competitive cryptocurrency spreads, combined with zero commission, affordable to trade cryptocurrencies
- 24/7 trading on ALL coins (no market closures)
- No digital wallet required – Avoid the complexities of a digital wallet, trade cryptocurrency from the same MT4 platform you use for trading
- 24/7 customer support from our Client Services team.
What is a Bitcoin wallet?
A Bitcoin wallet is the equivalent of a traditional bank account, allowing you to transact with other Bitcoin users. There are various Bitcoin wallets available in the market, with each one allowing the wallet owner to store, send, and receive Bitcoins.
With an Axi trading account, you do not need a digital wallet to trade cryptocurrencies. Instead, you simply use the world-leading MT4 trading platform to open and close trades.
Minimum lot size
The minimum lot size varies for different cryptocurrencies. For more detailed information please refer to our Product Schedule.